Current and previous lift installations can be claimed against tax11 February 2011
Lift contractors are being advised to tell their customers that both current and previous installations can be claimed against tax, using capital allowance.
The message comes from Portal Tax Claims, the capital allowance claims firm launched this month.
Its launch follows a pilot, in which it reclaimed, on average, £105,000 for each business in capital allowances for items ranging from fire alarms to heating and conditioning systems.
CEO Shaun Murphy estimates that 96% of businesses that own their own properties, or commercial property owners, could be owed a tax refund. He also makes the point that Portal only charges 6% of the money reclaimed – and only if a successful claim is made.
Top of the list of unclaimed plant is air conditioning, closely followed by lifts, then heating systems, lighting systems, car park security, and power and switchgear. Even suspended ceilings are eligible, according to Murphy.
"In the current climate owners of commercial property need to save every penny that they can and, at the moment, most are unaware that such valuable capital allowances are waiting to be claimed," he says.
Portal Tax Claims is part of the Portal Group, which, since 2003, has reclaimed more than £60 million worth of mis-sold endowments and payment protection insurance for over 20,000 customers.
Brian Tinham
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