Leicester tech centre to boost Eriks’ capabilities in flow control engineering07 June 2019

Eriks UK has opened a new facility within its Flow Control Technology Centre in Leicester, which is said to bring together specialist knowledge and components in all aspects of industrial flow control systems under one roof.

The centre employs 34 people and comprises of a workshop for repairing, designing and upgrading pumps and valves, as well as an ‘automation cell’, where Eriks develops and builds complete flow control solutions.

The facility is staffed by engineers from a wide range of disciplines who collaborate to deliver turnkey flow control solutions, such as in-line blending and formulating, automatic dosing, dilution, filling, batching, filtration and clean-in-place systems.

By basing the team at the Leicester site, every stage of the design and production process can be carried out in one place. This includes the assembly of bare shaft pumps, testing and certification of valves and actuators, and mounting whole solutions onto skids, ready to integrate with whatever direct control system the end user operates.

Andy Silver, flow control director at Eriks, says, “Developing specialist flow control and dosing systems demands specialist knowledge, a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of components and access to these parts at competitive prices.

“By bringing all the expertise and production capabilities together, we can deliver tailored solutions that help customers reduce production downtime, improve health and safety, and increase the reliability of their processes and assets.”

Adam Offord

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