LEEA reaches 300 with Magnox South 01 November 2009
Magnox South, the firm responsible for decommissioning five closed nuclear power stations in southern England, has become the 300th LEEA member.
Geoff Holden, chief executive of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association, says it means membership has more than doubled in just six years.
Peter Janes, head of profession for conventional safety for Magnox South, says: "We have joined LEEA so we can benefit from the association's expertise and publications.
"The transition from running power stations to decommissioning them has meant that our lifting operations have changed from regular lifting of standard loads to many one-off lifts as redundant plant is removed."
Magnox South, he says, is now modelling its standards based on industry best practices. "We have long regarded LEEA's code on the safe use of lifting equipment as the authoritative guide and will be issuing the User's Pocket Guide to slingers and appointed persons."
Brian Tinham
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Lifting Equipment Engineers Association
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