LEEA boosts training and technical audit teams 10 June 2011
LEEA (Lifting Equipment Engineers Association) has expanded both its training and technical audit teams in response to what it calls rapidly growing membership and demand.
Geoff Holden, chief executive of LEEA, says the new staff will be available for practical training courses and to undertake mandatory on-site technical audits before companies can be granted full membership.
He explains that membership has grown, notably from companies based in Australasia, SE Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and now numbers 450 companies worldwide.
"We now have six staff dedicated to undertaking technical audits and an eight-strong training team," states Holden.
"This will allow us to keep pace with the fast growing interest in membership of the LEEA, and the equally strong demand for our training courses and Diploma qualification," he adds.
Brian Tinham
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Lifting Equipment Engineers Association
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