JCB donates $250,000 worth of machines to quake disaster zone04 October 2018
JCB has announced the donation of $250,000 worth of equipment to the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi following the earthquake and tsunami, which has killed more than 1,400 people.
Two Loadall telescopic handlers complete with powerful grab attachments are on their way to the region, which is battling against the humanitarian disaster.
The 531-70 and 540-170 machines can lift loads weighing several tonnes and, with the grab attachment, will aid in removing heavy debris.
The machines, fitted with a variety of other attachments, including buckets and forks, will also play a part in reconstruction efforts once they begin.
JCB Chairman Lord Bamford said: “The scale of this natural disaster has shocked people all over the world and JCB always tries to help wherever these catastrophes occur. I hope our donation can speed up clear-up operations and help with subsequent redevelopment.”
The UK Foreign Office and the Indonesian Embassy in London have been informed of the donation.
Adam Offord
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