ITI wins Murphy’s Energy Supply Chain Partner award05 December 2022
ITI has received J.Murphy & Sons’ Supply Chain Partner of the Year Award for a project to upgrade National Grid’s Huntingdon and Peterborough Compressor Stations.
The project began in 2018, when ITI were known as Servelec Controls and the main contract was being handled by an unnamed supplier. Murphy took over the project during its implementation and ITI stayed on as a supplier, offering support across this transition, and throughout the completion of the works.
The two compressor stations are being enhanced as part of an infrastructure upgrade aimed at increasing system lifespan and strengthening the overall resilience of the National Gas Transmission system while reducing National Grid’s carbon footprint. The work programme involves ensuring an integration of old and new control systems in order to preserve security of supply, ensure site and environmental safety, and protect the cyber security of the utilities provider.
Suzanne Cunningham, Murphy’s head of procurement for the Energy business, said: “ITI was proactive in their approach to dealing with any challenges that arose and worked collaboratively with the wider project delivery team – being very hands-on providing solutions and coordinating efforts between all parties to ensure all targets were completed successfully.”
Operations Engineer
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