IFF scents energy savings with VSD oil-free air technology 30 August 2013

International Flavours & Fragrances (IFF) says variable speed drive (VSD) compressor technology from Atlas Copco has achieved major energy savings at its Haverhill, Suffolk, manufacturing plant.

As one of IFF's European centres of excellence and a major producer of fragrance compounds, the Haverhill plant recently underwent a significant expansion, part of which included upgrading of its Atlas Copco compressed air system.

Engineering manager Matt Borrill explains that IFF is a long-standing Atlas Copco user. Its previous installation included an oil-free, fixed-speed ZT3A with a ZT290 machine on a service contract – providing 100% oil-free air for process instrumentation and pneumatic valves for powder transfer and plant-to-plant product conveying.

Performance logging of the compressors indicated that significant energy savings could be achieved with a single VSD compressor replacing both units, he says.

So a ZT160VSD was selected for its ability to match compressed air output to demand in variable full load/variable load production cycles, and its wide turndown range. The old ZT3A would be retained as a standby.

"We calculate that in the past year we have saved £10,000 pa on our energy bills and significantly reduced our carbon footprint," confirms Borrill.

"It's a direct result of Atlas Copco looking after our interests under their 'Total Responsibility' plan... We get regular iTrak audits to monitor our compressed air use, and that means total peace of mind, plus full coverage of the unit, including air ends, motor, electrical and electronic systems, coolers etc, with fixed annual costs for the agreed period," he continues.

It means Atlas Copco technicians providing us with regular maintenance, engineering improvements, and breakdown repairs and machine overhauls if necessary."

Borrill also says that the noise-reduction characteristic of the new ZT compressor was a welcome asset in view of the plant's proximity to residential properties.

Brian Tinham

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Atlas Copco Compressors

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