High-temperature synthetic oil demand soars as supplies dry up 27 November 2012
High-temperature synthetic oils for heat transfer will soon be in short supply as a world-wide shortage looms.
That's the warning from Thermal oil specialist Global Heat Transfer, which first spoke of the potential for a problem at the ACHEMA 2012 exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany.
Increased demand has seen prices soar and supply squeezed for the remainder of 2012 and throughout 2013, explains a company spokesperson.
And it adds that whereas when the global financial crisis started many major projects were put on hold, now they are back on track and solar farms in particular have taken most of the world production of thermal fluids.
Thermal fluid users have now consumed their reserves and the combination of all these circumstances has led to the current situation.
However, Global Heat Transfer says it still has a significant supply of Globaltherm Syntec and Omnitech oils as a result of its manufacturing facilities and strategic supplier agreements.
Brian Tinham
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Global Heat Transfer Ltd
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