Have your say on health and safety, says HSE 28 June 2011
The government and the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) are calling for plant engineers and managers to let them know their thoughts on existing legislation and bureaucracy.
Their so-called Red Tape Challenge is seeking views about regulations in six related areas from the public, business and others – including industry bodies and volunteers, who deal with regulations every day.
Geoffrey Podger, HSE's chief executive, explains that, from Thursday (30 June 2011), there is to be a three-week focus at http://www.redtapechallenge.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/home/index, to get people involved.
Comments received will provide the government with a clear picture of how regulations are perceived and will help them decide which should stay, which change, and which go entirely, he says.
"The Red Tape Challenge is an ideal opportunity for people to give their views on health and safety regulation and we hope people get involved in the debate," states Podger.
"This is a genuine consultation, which will capture the views of people who are affected by health and safety regulations. We want to hear from all those with an interest, with the aim of simplifying health and safety, and making it more effective and proportionate, for the benefit of business and the workforce of Britain."
All health and safety regulations are open to comment on the site, under the four main groups: general health and safety; major hazard industries; higher risk workplaces; and dealing with hazardous chemicals and materials.
Brian Tinham
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