The Leeds-based ABB drives and motors reseller and system integrator converted the roof of its site to a photovoltaic power plant using 120 solar panels capable of generating 30kW.
The cost of the installation was £31,000 and Halcyon expects to recover this investment on electricity savings alone within two and a half years.
Installed by local company Leeds Solar, the system is capable of running all the heating, lighting and machine tools used in Halcyon's factory.
Commissioned by ABB, the Trio 27.6 is sited in the company's demonstration area, although its IP65 protection makes it suitable for installation on the roof.
"With the ABB Trio we can show that we are truly committed to reducing our energy costs by generating our own, and have faith in ABB products," states Halcyon marketing director Martin Rhodes.
Electrical loads in the factory vary according to the seasons but also production requirments, with up to six drills in use simultaneously.
The Trio has two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) systems, which sample the output of the cells and apply the correct load for maximum power. Using two isolated MPPTs means the device can support half the strings on one side of a roof and half on another,