Exair acquires BETE11 July 2024

(Image credit: ?Exair/ BETE)

​Exair has acquired BETE, an engineered spray nozzle and spraying systems manufacturer, in a move that will allow both companies to enhance their product offerings.

This merger also enables a diversified portfolio of products by integrating BETE’s technologies with Exair’s knowledge of compressed air products.

Both companies will be able to support large scope projects, OEM relationships and a worldwide network of distributors and end users.

Kirk Edwards, president of Exair, said: “For our valued customers and partners, this merger means improved service, new products, and competitive prices. You will benefit from the combined expertise of two industry giants coming together to deliver comprehensive solutions that meet your needs.”

Tom Fitch, president of BETE, said: “We are committed to a seamless integration process, focused on our shared vision of quality, advanced engineering, and service. We look forward to bringing together our teams, cultures, and communities. We are, without a doubt, better together.”

Ben Spencer

Related Companies
BETE Limited
Exair Corporation

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