Engineering bodies warn of looming skills shortage07 May 2014
Manufacturers are positive about their businesses, but have concerns about the skills shortages and are calling for increased dialogue with government to ensure the sector can fulfil its great potential for growth in the future.
A report from influential professional institutions has warned that manufacturers are very concerned that, as their workforce retires, they will not be able to get the engineers they need.
The report – 'An Insight into Modern Manufacturing' – is published by Engineering the Future, an alliance of professional institutions including the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Through a series of interviews, it has found that "UK manufacturing is a vibrant and resourceful part of the economy that is well-placed to deliver growth in globalised markets, to the benefit of the UK economy as a whole".
Nigel Fine, chair of the Engineering the Future Plenary which produced the report, said: "It's great news to see that the UK's manufacturing industry, which is often perceived as struggling, is in such fine form. The priority now must be to make sure it stays that way.
"A two-way dialogue between government and manufacturers will ensure that support can be consistently delivered to improve this valuable part of the economy. We should celebrate the diversity and success of our manufacturers in spite of such a challenging economic situation over the last few years."
The report has revealed that manufacturers believe that Government support for the sector is effective, but improvement could be made. "For example, an increased and more consistent dialogue between Government and manufacturers would be beneficial to ensure that the UK is creating the right environment for the sector to flourish and that all the support schemes available have the appropriate processes in place."
Andrew Churchill, managing director of JJ Churchill, one of the companies interviewed in the report, said: "I'm not looking for the government to either plan for me or run my business, but there remain some key areas where their engagement is essential. These include the on-going need for a clear, top-level vision from government together with consistency and predictability of any intervention; the vexed skills issue and global competitiveness of the UK as a manufacturing base as described by fiscal attractiveness."
Ian Vallely
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Royal Academy of Engineering
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