Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group, which has produced a free-to-download document on this pertinent issue, suggests that a number of recent “warning shots” indicate that the EU is set to introduce more onerous restrictions/actions on those dealing with wastewater and effluent. The key message is to invest now, ahead of the changes, to get ahead of the competition and reap the cost and efficiency benefits immediately.
The informative download produced by Watson-Marlow indicates a number of recent incidents, calls to action and punitive measures that have occurred in light of poor wastewater treatment practices. In simple terms, recent EU documentation on water policy contains important recommendations that encourage action on industrial plants and pollution. History shows that recommendations of this kind are often precursors to law.
For both municipal and industrial process owners, the message is to implement improvements ahead of any changes. This necessitates a chain of thought addressing correct and thorough preparation, as well as investment in the right technology. For instance, better treatment of wastewater, through improved chemical metering technologies, is among the primary ways to help.
Better chemical metering is important for many reasons. For example, to drive down operational expenditure, higher concentrations of chemicals are being used by plants to help reduce transportation, handling and storage costs. This increases the demands on metering pumps in terms of precision, viscosity and chemical compatibility.
Other important factors that help ensure best practice chemical metering include flow range, dry running and self-priming capabilities, good suction lift, zero slippage, full reversing capability, ease-of-maintenance, reduced spares inventory and low TCO (total cost of ownership).
Ultimately, smarter water management and pumping technologies represent the optimum strategy for treatment facilities moving forward. This is because water is on course to be scarcer than oil by 2030, with demand outstripping water supply by 40%. Close to half the world's population will be living in water stressed areas. And yet wastewater reuse stands at just 2.4% of all water withdrawals globally. Public attitudes to wastewater reuse will need to change, with greater levels of chemical metering becoming a necessity.