DNV validates Carbon8’s methodology07 August 2024

(Image credit: DNV)

​DNV has verified that Carbon8’s carbon capture and utilisation methodology satisfy the ISO 14064 part 2 standard.

Carbon8 is a cleantech company specialising in helping industries reduce carbon emissions and landfilling of thermal residues.

The ISO 14064 part 2 requirements specifically relate to quantifying, monitoring, and reporting activities, techniques, and processes that can reduce carbon/greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon8’s technology captures carbon dioxide (CO2) at source from industries. It also diverts landfill-bound ashes and residues, transforming them into material which can be used within quality construction products and transforming the built environment into a carbon sink.

DNV validated that the methodology designed and used by Carbon8:

  • Provides accurate reporting, eliminating the risk of double counting or inclusion of unsupported removals.
  • Measures emissions reduction/removal accurately, accounting for equipment manufacture, operation, and disposal emissions.
  • Establishes stringent, transparent, and repeatable monitoring procedures.
  • Jamie Burrows, (pictured) head of CCUS, energy systems at DNV, said: “Some utilisation techniques such as that developed by Carbon8 can capture and store CO2 with a high level of permanence. Such techniques will become increasingly important in the coming years and can be particularly beneficial in locations where CCS might not be an option due to a lack of supportive policy or infrastructure.In addition to producing materials that can be used in established value chains, coupled with biogenic sources of CO2, such techniques can generate Carbon Dioxide Removals with a high level of permanence.”

    Maarten van Roon, Carbon8’s chief commercial officer, said: “Our main ambition for this methodology is to provide confidence in our technology to customers across industries. The telemetry in our operations provides a dataset that delivers transparency around quantity and provenance, underpinned by the recognition of a highly respected validation partner in DNV.”

    Lucy Craig, senior vice president and director of growth, innovation and digitalisation, energy systems at DNV, added: “DNV is committed to advancing CCUS and is supporting various parties with carbon dioxide removal methodology validations. By assuring projects and stakeholders, this helps minimise risk and enhances investor appeal; ultimately accelerating the deployment of this critical technology to drive emission reductions.”

    Operations Engineer

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