Danfoss names president of editron division03 June 2024

Danfoss editron division (Image credit: Danfoss)

Danfoss Power Solutions has appointed Xianwei (Roy) Chen president of its editron division, where he will help strengthen the company’s on- and off-highway electrification business.

He will lead the two editron business units — eMotor & inverter solutions and power charging solutions — and all functional areas. Chen brings more than 15 years of experience in electrification, electronics, automotive, and mobile off-highway applications to his new role.

Chen (pictured) joined Danfoss Power Solutions in 2019 and served in several leadership positions within the company’s work function division before being named vice president of the connectors business unit, fluid conveyance division, in 2021. In early 2024, he was named vice president of the editron division.

Prior to Danfoss, Chen held roles at Eastman Kodak, Danaher Corporation, and Woodbridge Group. At Danaher, he led Danaher operations, business systems and merger and acquisition activities. At Woodbridge, he drove factory performance improvement, and later, as general manager for the automotive business, he led cross-functional teams in research and development, sales, and operations.

Chen holds a Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma, an International Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute, and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical design, manufacturing, and their automation from Nanjing Agricultural University in China.

Ben Spencer

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