Continental truck tyres reach for the skies 23 January 2013
Continental tyres are reaching new heights, having being installed on the London Eye.
"The drive systems of the London Eye are located in two towers, one at each end of the wheel's boarding platform," explains Mark Robinson, head of technical operations for the EDF Energy London Eye.
"But what riders don't realise is that the rotation of the wheel depends on Continental truck tyres," he continues.
The tyres, all Continental HSRs (heavy steer regional truck tyres) act as friction rollers along the rim of the wheel.
"They are each turned by hydraulic motors, and the rotation of the tyres turns the entire wheel structure to provide the rotating view of the London skyline," states Robinson.
He says that Continental truck tyres were chosen for their durability and reliability.
"The HSRs have to rotate along the rim of the London Eye throughout the hours of operation, and it's imperative that there be no downtime and that they are low maintenance," says Robinson.
Brian Tinham
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Continental Tyre Group Ltd
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