The principal message to industry is that up to 94% of the energy supplied to a compressor is recoverable as heat and up to 90% of industrial compressors in the UK could be equipped with a waste heat recovery system.
It is calculated that the technology could save 1.99% of the total industrial electricity consumption in the UK.
Not only does the whitepaper identify the compressed air waste heat utilisation opportunities, it also reviews the established recovery methods, outlines the untapped carbon reductions and the energy savings potential for compressor users.
In addition, the whitepaper outlines the environmental and financial opportunities in investing in compressed air heat recovery systems, including installation of standalone retrofit energy recovery units that can see a payback period as short as 1-3 years, the company claims.
The merits and methodologies of air-cooled systems, water-cooled systems and oil-lubricated compressors are also covered.
The important issue of how much energy can be saved is fully explained − including an equation for calculating the recovery potential. This information points up the fact that the function of the cooling system, the distance to the point of consumption, and the degree and continuity of the heat requirement are all decisive factors.
The contents are completed with examples of industry sector process and plant heating system recovered heat applications. Practical application case studies have also been included to illustrate the financial benefits which investment in heat recovery systems can confer to compressor users.
The paper can be reached by clicking on the link below.