Competition to find Great Britain's oldest running industrial compressor05 October 2018
Compressors play a big part in the industrial and manufacturing sector. In the run up to its centenary, Atlas Copco Compressors UK is turning the attention to these silent partners and is trying to find the oldest, stationary, oil-injected compressor in Great Britain, with a motor power rating between 30kW and 90kW, that has completed the longest tour of duty in Great Britain (and is still going).
The reward will be the winning compressor's long-overdue retirement, replaced by a free, latest generation Atlas Copco GA-range fixed speed compressor that offers the same level of free air delivery as the winning compressor, with the machine's delivery to site included.
This competition is run by Atlas Copco Ltd. trading as Atlas Copco Compressors (Atlas Copco). Next year is a big year for Atlas Copco Ltd, as the company will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of its establishment in Great Britain. As the second oldest Atlas Copco entity outside of Sweden, it has chosen to share the festive spirit surrounding the centenary with this competition, amongst other celebrations.
If you think you are the owner of the oldest, stationary, oil-injected compressor in Great Britain, with a motor power rating between 30kW and 90kW, send in your entry for a chance to win a brand new compressor to replace your old one.
Entry to the competition must be by submission of a form on the Atlas Copco UK website, including a photo of the compressor's data plate, by latest 31 December 2018.
The winner will be announced on social media on 18 January 2019.
Note: If the winner should decide to opt for a variable speed drive model compressor instead of the fixed-speed GA range prize, or wants to upsize to a larger model, they will have to pay the difference in cost between the fixed-speed prize model and the variable speed drive model or the larger compressor. The competition winner is responsible for the cost of the prize machine's installation and commissioning on site and the removal of their old machine. Video explanation and full terms and conditions can be found on
Adam Offord
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Atlas Copco
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