C-Valve PRV slashes Scottish Water’s leaks in Glasgow city26 August 2010

Scottish Water reckons it is saving 3.7 million litres of water leakage per day, since installing a C-Valve, from Plasson UK to pressure manage an area north of the river Clyde, at the Strobcross Street site in Glasgow.

The area serves approximately 24,000 properties and acts as an entry point for potable water to the city centre, as well as a large area south of the Clyde.

Jake Ratter at Scottish Water says that the area is known for its leakage problems, but that the site had not hitherto been pressure-controlled, because of wide operational requirements and low pressures in some areas.

He explains that the Plasson C-Valve was specified, because there was a need for a low head loss valve at peak flow times. Conventional pressure reducing valves were not considered appropriate, due to their limited standing head loss (between three and eight metres when fully open), and thus non-compliance with regulated pressure standards.

Ratter says the C-Valve has a head loss less than the tolerance of the loggers measuring the valve when fully open. It now ensures a constant pressure management system and allows for emergency flows and pressure modulation through a third party controller adjusting the valve.

Following an initial period of observation where 2.3ML per day were saved, a Technolog Modulo controller was installed to regulate pressure, according to actual flow through the valve – taking a further six metres off pressure during periods of low flow, and resulting in an additional 1.4ML per day water saving.

"We have seen impressive initial water savings since installing the valve and are extremely pleased with the results. The total leakage saving per day is 3,700m³, equivalent to one and a half Olympic swimming pools," comments Ratter.

He also comments that the installation demonstrates an additional benefit of burst reduction in the city centre, due to the more even pressure profile in the old and delicate pipe network. That, in turn, is reducing maintenance and cost.

And he adds that the modular design of the Plasson C-Valve system means that external filters can easily be serviced, while the isolation valves enable rapid isolation of each control valve element prior to any servicing. The control plate can also be easily serviced or exchanged if required, he says.

Brian Tinham

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