Bitrez joins EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub17 December 2019
Polymers and chemicals manufacturer Bitrez has become an industrial partner of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub (CIMComp).
Led by the Universities of Nottingham and Bristol, the hub is a £10.3m investment by the EPSRC to engage academics from across the UK to deliver a step-change in the production of polymer matrix composites. It is supported by four High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centres and backed by 18 industrial partners from the composites sector, offering a further £12.7 million in additional support.
Based in Standish, Wigan, Bitrez manufactures synthetic resin, catalysts and curing agents for a variety of companies across the globe in aerospace, rail, automotive, oil and gas, nuclear and renewable energy. The partnership will see Bitrez collaborate with academic and industrial partners to support the development and delivery of the next-generation of high performance, affordable composites, which meet both regulatory and sustainability demands.
Prof. Nick Warrior, director of the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub, comments: “This is a great opportunity for the hub and its partners. Bitrez are renowned for being R&D focused and can respond quickly to our research needs.”
Pictured (l-r): Prof. Nick Warrior, director of EPSRC’s Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub, and Paul Jones, MD of Bitrez.
Adam Offord
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