Banbury betters sludge handling01 November 2009
Thames Water says it has improved pumping efficiency and solved downtime problems at its Banbury sewage treatment works by installing a TR Muncher from NOV Mono.
Kevin Gee, mechanical electrical technician at Thames, says the site was experiencing problems with its previous grinder, due to breakdowns and difficulties in sourcing parts.
The Muncher is used to macerate heavy solids and rag in the sludge, handling 100m3/h, transferring the sewage to its blender tank.
"We have a lot of major processes at this site, so we needed a grinder that would be able to cope, as well as provide us with a reliable solution that would reduce maintenance," says Gee.
The unit's effectiveness is the result of differential speeds of the cutter stacks, which pull apart fibrous material, while the leading edge and sides of the cutter teeth crop and shear plastic. Also, the circumferential 'land' of the cutter crushes friable or brittle material.
Brian Tinham
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