Atlas Copco branches into vacuum pump technology18 September 2012
Atlas Copco says it has applied its expertise in air compressors to vacuum pump technology, with the launch of its new GV oil-sealed rotary screw vacuum pump system, suitable for rough vacuums between 0.5mbar and 500mbar.
The firm makes the point that there are clear synergies between compressed air and vacuum technology, so designing its own vacuum pump systems hasn't been a huge stretch.
At the heart of the new design, it says, is Atlas Copco's expertise in building reliable oil-sealed rotary screw elements, which are good for the 0.5mbar to 500mbar operating pressure range, in terms of performance and energy.
Thanks to its modulating valve, fitted at the pump inlet, the capacity of the pump can be matched to demand, not only minimising vacuum fluctuations, but also operating the pump at the lowest possible energy point.
Further, as a result, the vacuum pump also has to stop and start less frequently, leading to less wear and maintenance. Capacities covered are 20 and 5000m3/h.
Brian Tinham
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