Arjowiggins Creative Papers draws on automation experience 14 April 2011
Arjowiggins Creative Papers has embarked on a modernisation project with ABB, which, it says, will improve productivity, product quality and energy efficiency.
The Stoneywood Mill plant in Aberdeen is to get a new automation, quality control and collaborative management system aimed at assisting its production of luxury papers for corporate promotions, packaging etc.
ABB is providing its 800xA Extended Automation system to control the central boiler house and integrate with other mill systems – replacing older, less reliable equipment, while helping to optimise energy efficiency.
Importantly, the new quality control system will integrate with the 800xA control system for PM10, which, according to Arjowiggins, will "significantly improve mill productivity by increasing operator effectiveness and reducing transition times during shade and grade changes".
ABB's delivery also includes several production management solutions, providing users with access to real time and historical process data.
With Smart Client, for example, Arjowiggins' supervisors will be able to make better decisions and improve mill management, while ABB's cpmPlus Loop Performance Manager has tuning and auditing tools that will keep the mill running at peak levels with minimal engineering effort.
Brian Tinham
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