Are you ready for BS EN 61439, asks GAMBICA 21 March 2011
A guide to the recently published standard for low voltage power switchgear and control gear assemblies has been launched by GAMBICA's industrial automation sector.
BS EN 61439 Part 1 'General Rules' and Part 2 'PSC Assemblies' replaces the BS EN 60439 series in the UK, but either may be used until 1st November 2014.
GAMBICA (the trade association for instrumentation, control, automation and laboratory technology in the UK) says its guide explains that the new standard has been developed to clarify the means by which the performance of low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies can be verified against the standards.
Some established definitions and practices have been radically revised and new methods of verification have been added.
The guide also gives the rationale for the radical step of eliminating type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies (TTAs and PTTAs) and then describes the requirements for conformance to the new standard.
For GAMBICA, it highlights the most relevant areas of the standard to give purchasers confidence in the safety and reliability of the equipment.
In addition, it explains commonly used terminology and areas of customer choice to assist in the decision making process.
Brian Wall
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GAMBICA Association Ltd
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