Amey secures £30m contract15 July 2024

Amey  Department for Infrastructure (Image credit: Amey)

Amey has secured a new £30 million engineering services partner contract with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Rivers to deliver water and engineering services for Northern Ireland.

The five-year contract will see Amey deliver a range of civil engineering consultancy and specialist water works. This includes designing and implementing structural improvements to watercourses such as culverts and open channels, flood and sea defences, including dams and seawalls, control structures, reservoirs, as well as providing alternative flood risk management schemes.

Amey will continue to build on the roll out of its in-house Rain inspection application, which is designed to digitise and streamline site inspections and provide higher levels of accuracy and efficiency. Through the data management solution, teams will be able to capture, analyse, and manage data in real-time, with the option to include additional information to support their findings. The solution is also equipped with a range of features to assist the inspection process, including a detailed user guide and navigation to locate assets in remote locations.

This new contract builds on Amey’s partnership with the DfI dating back to 2005 when the company initially supported the department with the provision of road engineering consultancy services that helped provide safer roads across Northern Ireland.

Alex Gilbert, managing director at Amey Consulting, said: “We’re delighted to extend our longstanding partnership with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) with this latest contract award. Using our extensive engineering expertise combined with our technology-first approach to service delivery, we look forward to supporting DfI Rivers in implementing sustainable flood risk management practices and policies of the future. We’re proud to be leading initiatives that safeguard local communities from flooding and bolster infrastructure resilience in the face of climate uncertainty.”

Operations Engineer

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