ABB solves 100-year old dc electrical grid puzzle 08 November 2012
Power and automation giant ABB has announced "a breakthrough" in the ability to interrupt direct current, solving a 100-year-old electrical engineering problem.
ABB says its new hybrid HVDC breaker technology, which follows years of research, paves the way for a more efficient and reliable electricity supply system.
The firm's circuit breaker for high voltage dc combines fast mechanics with power electronics, and can interrupt power equivalent to the output of a large power station within 5 milliseconds.
It should enable the efficient integration and exchange of renewable energy. Dc grids should also improve grid reliability and enhance the capability of existing ac networks.
ABB is in discussions with power utilities to identify pilot projects for the new development.
"ABB has written a new chapter in the history of electrical engineering," comments Joe Hogan, CEO of ABB.
"This historical breakthrough will make it possible to build the grid of the future. Overlay dc grids will be able to interconnect countries and continents, balance loads and reinforce the existing ac transmission networks."
Brian Tinham
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