ABB carries out retrofit project for EnBW21 May 2024

 EnBW ABB electrical infrastructure (Image credit: ?ABB)

Energy supplier EnBW chose ABB to modernise its ageing electrical infrastructure as part of a modernisation project at its Altbach energy plant in Stuttgart, Germany.

The project involved upgrading more than 1,000 draws in 120 cubicles across five switchgear rooms in 10 weeks.

As part of the initiative, ABB installed and commissioned its low-voltage, digital switchgear solutions at the plant, which contributes to an electrical output of approximately 1,200MW.

Nhat Linh Hohn-Phung, project manager at EnBW Altbach, said: “We recognised that we needed to do something about our low-voltage switchgear. Our existing MNS2.0 system was of an early generation and there was a shortage of spare parts, which of course meant a serious risk of disruptions in energy supply.”

Rather than investing in a completely new switchgear, an upgrade to ABB MNS 3.0 in combination with ABB UMC 100.3 motor controllers meant the customer could integrate new intelligent systems and components inside the existing MNS switchgear.

This modernisation approach is said to have ensured that the levels of efficiency in energy production were maintained, while retaining much of the switchgear which was still fully functional.

“More than 50 percent of electrical equipment like metal cabinets for switchgear, steel plates and busbars can be used perpetually without being replaced if outdated components such as circuit breakers, relays and internal components are upgraded, regularly monitored and maintained,” explains Axel Siebert, project manager for ABB Electrification Service.

“This approach also saves costs and time associated with a switchgear upgrade as only the system related components are replaced. Keeping most of the system in service and only replacing the necessary components, increases equipment reliability and durability, extends its lifespan and avoids the carbon emissions associated with manufacturing entirely new systems.”

Siebert, continued: “A project of this scale meant meticulous planning and coordination, drawing on the expertise of our service technicians in Germany and beyond to ensure that we delivered a quality solution as efficiently as possible. The outcomes really do speak for themselves.”

As a result of the upgrade, EnBW has benefited from improvements in safety and energy security, with operational downtime minimised. They have also experienced a reduction in OpEx costs, driven by improved reliability and spare part availability, something which was becoming increasingly challenging with the previous, obsolete systems.

Siebert concluded: “MNS 3.0 in combination with ABB UMC 100.3 motor controllers is really delivering for EnBW. It works well in existing installations and is designed as a direct retrofit solution for legacy MNS systems. It offers the opportunity to have a common communication platform which, if different types of intelligent MNS switchgear are used in the installation, provides a future-proof solution. For this project, it really was the ideal choice.”

Ben Spencer

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