Comment: Set the right standards02 July 2024

There is a growing need to understand which members of the SOE are involved in the generation of national and international standards, with the aim of establishing – through the joint sector chairs – a working standards panel. The panel shall report on a regular basis on those current and emerging standards that may affect and influence the working practices of all members, regardless of their professional sector.

We shall be calling upon members who have an interest in maintaining and developing standards they are using in their work. In doing so, we aim to elevate our standing by supporting and informing on current and future operating standards. By being involved with the standards authorities, such as the British Standards Institute (BSI), we can influence and inform on emerging standards and regulations that affect our operational practices.

As practicing engineers, we must be cognisant of the impact of change and how we may influence the requirement to adopt and revise standards that enable us to address emerging issues around sustainability and resilience. We have members engaged with the BSI in managing current and emerging standards. Specifically ones who are helping address climatic and atmospheric pollution effects, mechanical environments and reliability and stress screening. The aim, as we move forward, is for the SOE working standards panel to report on current and future standards. If you participate in the use of standards, are influential in controlling practises within your industry or, more importantly, aware of any shortfalls in current (or future) standards, we would welcome you to engage with the panel to initiate changes.

Finally, few are aware that as the SOE is a member society of the Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies (CEES), we have access to its activities ( It is an independent organisation promoting the advances of science and technology in the field of environmental engineering and related branches of science. CEES members are active in establishing national and international standards and codes of practice. CEEES encourages the member societies to support each other through technical advisory boards covering mechanical stresses, reliability and environmental stress screening, as well as climatic and pollution effects on equipment and structures. Something to consider if you are looking to further your career and expertise.

Steve Burnage, chair, Environmental Engineers

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